Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Let Us Have Cake...Toppers!

I have quite a few aspects of the wedding planned in my head, I just have to put them in motion. One of the things that has been stumping me is the cake topper. I have been browsing pintrest and google for a topper that represents us. I was coming up with squat!! I was getting very frustrated, even though we have plenty on time.
I found a few that I liked, in the "eh" "kinda sorta" way. And any others were WAAAAY out of price range. From the proposal: Josh proposed with sky/floating lanterns, because my favorite movie is  Disney's Tangled. And if you know Josh he LOVES  Star Wars.
A couple of weeks ago, I went shopping at Micheal's and they had Disney pez dispensers that I had to get for my girls (Cinderella-Aubrey, Belle-Stephanie E, Rapunzel-me), it also helped that we were seeing Disney on ice later that week. I showed my mom, who jokingly said "Well all you need to do it find a Star Wars one and there is your cake topper."
I was sold, I loved it, it was totally US!! Josh came back with some even better: "How about those Disney Vinlymations?"
DONE!!! I was super excited, jumping for joy. These are US!

Meet us in cake topper form: Rapunzel, and Han Solo

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meet the Wedding Party

Maid of Honor (1)
I have only known Aubrey for just under a year. We have a blast together. She calms me down when needed, and builds me up when I'm down. We have a lot of fun going to "Cowboys", hockey games together, and bonding over our mutual love of wine! She has been a saving help even in the beginning stages of wedding planning.
 Maid of Honor (2)
Stephanie E
I have known Stephanie since 3rd grade. We became friends around 6th grade and had sleep overs. We lost touch a little bit when high school started, but reconnected about a year ago. It's been great getting to know a newer Stephanie than what I knew in grade school; however she is still the fun, creative, perfectionist woman that was my friend from grade school.
Stephanie C
I got introduced to Stephanie in summer of Junior year old high school. We became inseparable from that point on. She was (and still is) my best friend. We have had some many good times together. We've gone on a cruise together, went to her parent's house in NC, and had countless nights going bowling, playing pool, seeing movies or just talking till the wee hours. I am honored to be the "Auntie" to her 2 handsome boys. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding 3 years ago, and it wouldn't feel right not having her there for mine.
Best Man
I met Eric skateboarding near a school by my house. I consider him one of my closest and best friends. We were in a band together, skated many spots and went to see a lot of local shows. Despite our age difference, we even went to school together briefly. I've known this guy for more than 10 years and I couldn't be any prouder than I am to call him my Best Man. 
(Picture coming soon)
I met Shamir when I was growing up. We lived in the same neighborhood and we hung out almost everyday with Eric and our friend Javi. You could almost always find us skating in front of his house or playing video games. I have a lot of fond memories in his house with all of us acting like fools, but we always had a blast. Even though I knew him since we were kids, he's been one of my closest friends for a long time.
I met David when I first started dating Katie. He's one of her closest friends and we both clicked over our mutual interest of beer and Sci-Fi geekiness. He's witty and sarcastic-funny and I can keep up with him on our drinking escapades. He also helps cheer me up on my bad days and lends an attentive ear to when I need it most.
(Katie's edit: I love David, he is one of my closest and best friends. He was very close to becoming a BridesMan (kidding). We have known each other since kindergarten, but didn't become close friends until Junior year of high school. He was part of the group with Stephanie C to go bowling/pool/movies every weekend. He was even cool enough to have 4 dates to Senior homecoming. I'm so excited to have him standing with Josh on our special day. Dave has been there for me through a lot! I don't know what life would be like without him.)