My wonderful, wonderful mother bought us the nursery glider, and I can NOT wait for that to go in!!! We have put up some book shelves and filled with L's already abundant collection. We need to add closet door knobs (but that's part of what I need to know which knobs to get) and we need to put up some shelves. I have decorated the nursery with a little old and new. I have items from Josh and my childhood that have a space in there. 1 main example is we each still have a stuffed "toy" that we loved as kids. Mine was Missy (the St. Bernard dog from the 90's movie Beethoven) His was a train pillow with a little bear conductor. I bought and they finally arrived a box of wooden letters for the nursery wall above the changing table! I'm super excited to attack that project, and to send out some letters to L's aunties/uncles/and cousins to paint! I can't wait to see what it will look like when it all comes together, and I'm so happy to have friends that are as excited as me to do something for baby's wall and add some of their own flair (so L can have a part of it's relatives kind of close by- I can't wait to sit and show off each letter to L when learning the alphabet and telling the story of who painted what letter)!!
I was convinced L was going to make an appearance next week. I had my standard OB appointment and they freaked out a little with the high blood pressure and sent me to the hospital to be monitored. Everything was fine will being monitored, and everything has been fine since. I have had 2 more ultrasound appointments and meets with the high risk Dr. L is just running out of room, literally and the first ultrasound appointment didn't pass the 4 point test. 4 points being:
- the movement of the diaphragm to simulate breathing
- whole body movement
- muscle "flexing" and movements
- and check the fluid
Baby didn't do the breathing movement. L had done it a few weeks ago, but they want to see that every appointment now. We watched for it for a half hour and I got hooked up to the NST (heart and movement monitor) machine for another half hour. The Dr came in about 15 minutes in, and said "I'll just give it a little bit longer." I got slightly concerned at his tone, so I started poking and prodding L for some movement. The Dr came back and said "Oh good, we have what we need, I need to change my notes, we were going to send you the hospital again." ::Insert mini hear attack!::
Well with that first little scare to the hospital I decided it was time to pack some bags, so L's bag and my bag are packed to go! I also believe L is going to bypass the newborn size! So I have an option of outfits packed for little bit in a variety of sizes.
I met with a pediatrician and she was very nice and lovely and the office is literally across the street from our house. You can tell the pediatrician loves what she does, and has an amazing passion for her job.
I am still working, my last official day is Jan 23, I may or may not make it to that we shall see. I trained my replacement partially on Thursday, and he seems to be catching on quickly (granted we are also cutting my job down to a small percentage for him to do). The Dr wants to see me twice a week now to make sure everything is going good,especially with the movement. We are still looking at a 39 week eviction day, but playing it by ear, because anything can happen, but I feel good knowing I have bags packed, and the nursery is livable (granted baby won't be living in there for a little bit) My super generous cousin's are giving us a bassinet they were gifted with their second and a car seat that their little dude has grown out of. I also have some of the best family!! My step-grandmother has found a few items to keep at my mom's house for her to have like a bouncy seat and a car seat as well (Which the fire department will help you install and inspect to make sure it's still up to code and safe).
I am also starting to plan and cook meals to freeze for easy dinners. Our fridge took a crap out just before Christmas and we had to do a major clean out and throw away (I am still very upset). I had about 3 prefrozen meals that I had to toss. We have to do an overhaul grocery shopping trip to get the essential. On the menu to be made and frozen:
Curry Chicken Pot Pie
Shepard's Pie
Chicken Taco Chili
Hawaiian Pulled Pork - She makes with chicken, and I have too, but I've made it with pork tenderloin also, and wanted more of a variety with the meats I'm using. We also eat as pulled BBQ sandwiches.
No Peek Chicken - My baby momma friend has told me about this one
I also want to pre-make in little baggies smoothies to make in the morning/mid-afternoon for myself. Any tips and recipes on these much welcome!!!!
**We know and understand everyone/family/friends are excited to meet Baby L, however Josh and I have spoken and made the decision to keep L's birth "low key". Chances are our stay at the hospital will be 3 days tops, and we would like to keep those days there as a time for Josh and I to adjust to being a family a 3 and my recovery. We will of course let family know when L makes the appearance, with a text/phone call/email. As for meeting Baby L, we kindly ask that you wait until we get home (and a little settled). Just know we love everyone and we know everyone is really excited for this joyous time. But this is a major adjustment period for us as a couple, newly married, and even pet parents.