1 month to go!!! And because February is a short month that translates to 28 days!!
I missed the 6 week mark, we are actually 4 weeks out!
1. Apply for marriage licence: DONE
2. Programs and Menu designs are DONE (by myself: I will do a post after the wedding with a picture and the file I used to make them for any other DIY-ers) They need to be printed, but I want a final head count before I do that.
3. Plan welcome baskets: No, sorry to all the out-of-towners, no welcome baskets. It was just a little too much to add to the to-do list.
I had my second dress fitting yesterday and it is magical!! I LOVE my dress! I am having some major/minor alterations done to it, but the alternation lady at Victoria's is fantastic! (she use to work at Klein-fields in NY)
I have received a special piece to wear that is made of my mom's dress, it turned out so great I am beyond pleased with it. It came from this Etsy shop:
Brides Boutik She was seriously one of the BEST people I have dealt with on Etsy (and I know I say that with everyone, but she is probably my top 1) I have passed her shop along to another friend getting married in June. I would HIGHLY recommend her to anyone! Now you don't get to know what is it that I got until the day of! :)
Josh had pulled off another great surprise for the rehearsal!!
I have ordered the boys boutonnieres, they are going to be awesome!
We have done our centerpieces, they are complete and look great, I'm so pleased with them and we actually found a slightly easier way to DIY them.
My girls have finalized the way they are wearing their dresses (they are wearing infinity wrap dresses, so they all will be different) I am so pleased with how great they turned out and how beautiful they look!
I need to order my dad's gift, I know what I want, I just need to get it.
For everyone still holding on the the RSVP card, please send them back. Even if you cannot make it, send it back saying "sadly decline". They are already pre-stamped and I would really like to have a definite decision in my hand, instead of guessing if you didn't send your not coming. - Thanks!